
17. Antenna. No radio or television transmission towers or antennas shall be erected on any lot. The only antennas permitted on any lot are a single, customary receiving antenna attached to the primary structure on the lot, which shall not exceed 10 feet in height above the roof ridgeline of the primary structure; and a single, customary receiving antenna attached to one secondary structure on the lot, which shall not exceed 10 feet in height above the roof ridgeline of the secondary structure. Satellite dishes may not exceed 3 feet in diameter. Television receiving equipment, including an antenna or satellite dish, shall be installed on or within 10 feet of the structure and shall be installed so as to be inconspicuous from neighboring lots (e.g., a satellite dish may be installed on the roof of a house provided that it does not protrude above the roof ridgeline of the house when viewed from any neighboring lot).

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